Unfortunately I am having to write today to confirm that we did in fact hit a hurdle. We did not reach our funding target on Kickstarter, however we would like to say a massive thank you to those who did pledge during the campaign. Although this could be seen as a massive set back to us, much like all goals in life, you cannot give up when you hit the first hurdle!

Upon the close of the Kickstart campaign, Kickstarter themselves actually contacted us to confirm that many ideas and businesses first Kickstarter campaigns do not succeed. Therefore, we will not stop here. We will remain positive and we will find a way to support you, the student, with your Personal Growth and Mental Wellbeing.

One key point this brings us back full circle to is failure, and the fear of failure itself. We could have easily hit this hurdle and thought “that’s it, game over. We might as well just give up”. But that would go completely against the message we are trying to send out to you. “Failure” will occur every day of your life. The key in overcoming this is to repackage that into something more powerful…remember that failure is not final and therefore

  • Fear is just False Evidence Appearing Real.
  • Fear is quite simply learned behaviour. Over the years you will have built on your fear to a point that it is ingrained as a habit. Luckily, it is just as easy to remove a bad habit and replace it with a new belief…this is the process of “Unlearning” (Watch out for our blog on this in the coming weeks).
  • Fear is excitement in disguise. Normally when we feel fear, opportunity lies just on the other side of the obstacle we are facing. This is exactly the position that we are in now. We are not going to let fear consume us and we are instead looking at the various other opportunities that are present.

So, that brings us nicely to the point of “what next?”. Kickstarter was only Plan A. Plan B, C, D and so on have all been going on in the background too. We are committed to supporting your personal growth and wellbeing in the academic year ahead so we are now resetting and we plan to be with you in Semester Two (January 2022). This will all be made possible by one of two ways that we have to provide a little more information on in the next couple of weeks. If successful we will be able to bring you lots of amazing new content as we gear up to support you from the start of 2022.

In summary, our message is that obstacles will come and they will come every single day in your life. What you have to do is take a look at that obstacle and know that there is always a way to get past it or even around it. And when you do this consistently…you Grow.

As always thank you for reading and #LetsGrowTogether